So Danger Dave, ( one of the great head chefs) messaged me to ask if I could write something about a homeless Welsh Crack smoker in Reading, someone he knows and gives assistance to, I at first told him, in about a week, when are you going? his answer, I'll be there in an hour, anyway he dropped me a few details and the result.
5 minute poetry.
Homeless in Reading? what a dump not exactly Wapping or Caernarvon,
but get yer skates on there's a special on crack *******
oh no ****'s done it again blown all his giro to pull smoke through a biro.
I suggested a beer he said, no ******* fear drink's bad for you
Danger Dave is out to save but Dave is always saving someone or cooking up something or just being ******* fabulous.
Nero's near, Romans ain't arf queer but their coffee's okay
**** calls it a day in Gaelic and I can't understand a word of it.