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Jun 2018
I woke up late to catch the frightening bus;
Who accommodates billions of passenger just to get to their destination;
This happens inside the loop of time,
The sound of the underpass felt like I was inside the cathedral;
Seeing straight faces with no reaction at all;
I asked myself if these are the same people I saw yesterday;
The echoing sound of their footsteps lead me to consciousness;
Asking myself, do I really belong here?
Do I really need to do this?
The echoes from the cathedral made me feel bad about myself;
And cut off my confidence once again;
I realized that everyone works hard just to get to the top;
And here I am feeling so worthless;
A failure to my parents;
And I just wanted to end my life;
Because I always compare myself to others;
Searching what lacks in me;
So I started walking like what other people do;
Mimicking their movements like a professional;
Standing straight, chin up;
Breathing the same air and feels empty inside;
Am I really happy with the setting of the story?
I felt nauseous, I thought I was gonna throw up;
The welcoming step of the entrance cut the trance that I was in;
The greetings of the unfamiliar faces;
Dazed me into a robot of fear;
They once obliged me to be like this and not to be like that;
Weekdays I get to be the one wearing the fancy clothe;
They say you’ll look more professional and everyone will respect you;
Information that frustrates me;
I wanted to become myself again;
Freedom was lost because of me;
My fear, my lack of confidence to present the one who hides;
Who hides inside this charade;
This charade that gave every yonder stars the regret;
We’ve wasted our life doing things we don’t like.
self, thoughts, sorrow
Written by
pseudonym123  25/F/Philippines
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