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Jun 2018
You can kiss the mouths of a million women.
But you will never taste the sweetness
Of my lips.

I know that love is a tricky concept for you
I know that you try to love with your body
You bury yourself in a woman to forget me but you can’t.

You laid a kiss on my lips once
I felt your sweetness in the electricity of the air.
We were alone in that moment it was just you and me feeling each other’s imperfections.

You kissed her in front of me.
Now I wonder if you felt the electricity.
You can’t hide what we did.
You can’t hide what we felt.

I still think about you even when I say I don’t care.
I care about you... more than you will ever know.
I still remember the feelings
Luis Valencia
Written by
Luis Valencia  20/M/Hays Ks
(20/M/Hays Ks)   
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