The elegy is sighed in a yearnful of moan, Tis' a discourse , 'tis a toll. For the knell is foundered with A mouthful of thorns, 'Tis a dispatch, 'tis a call.
Howl hither the malicious dawn; Dawn it is, the two faceted flow: A presence of those masquerade *****. Until a haul, 'tis a faux. "'Tis a fault, 'tis a fault."
In their deed, the cloisters are redeemed yclept the hiss and yclept the haul, 'Tis a discourse, 'tis a fall "'Tis a fault and 'tis a fault."
For I sin above all (too), And in a remorse I heave, Then, out an elegy I sighed; There,I merely nod: "Yes, indeed(!)" 'Tis a fault of mine now, 'tis a fault.