Daily breeze blows through the bedroom window Parts through your lips across my neck I smell your perfume upon your pillow We say good morning and I love you Then "coffee?" "Coffee." The second thought that runs through our heads
I open shades, contracts our pupils Heavily dilated from the night before We sip and smile in our sunlight Love, like a cartoon, so unreal But relatable in every way
I'm the coyote, you're the runner You stick around within my grasp Then encouragingly pull away, forcing me to get better So when I fall off that cliff I fall in love all over again.
...daily breeze blows through the bedroom window Parts through my lips and then runs cold Your perfume has faded from your pillow I lay alone and say I love you The coffee, a memory now burnt and black
I'm the coyote, you're the runner Who was snatched up by the wolves So shocking and so sudden I'll never fall again.