"Why don't you just charge them?" she asked me. A mother is supposed to love her daughter. The things I've done for love, to try and fill that empty space, disgust me.
I thought I had power; I could use my body to turn him on, but the more he got to know me, the less attracted he became. I thought if I could please men, they would love me, they would want me, but they see me for what I really am.
Inside I am small, pathetic, sad, afraid, and insecure. Real men cannot be manipulated or tricked by my body. Vulnerability and authenticity are the only ways to please them.
"I wish I never had you" she said. A mother is supposed to love her daughter. That little girl is still inside me, afraid of rejection, hungry and desperate for love. I abandoned myself. I put myself in dangerous situations, like an addict looking for a hit.
"****" they said while they waited for their turn. The things I've done for love disgust me.