In this day and age the book of life has lost a page Old values integrity respect decorum to say least What can one say to most who know not these things And born without them raised by the you beast
I'd be the wealthiest man today if I had a dime Of what I've given away to many over my time Dropped all I was doing to lend a hand in seconds And I'd do likewise again as I'v done down the line
I've risk my life to save others so often true Its all my own father would have done and did do I've always had presence of mind never had to think While many watched I was there and back its true
My first birth I delivered my son 1966 on my own And re that have done so several times no training When some things happen they land in ones lap Come sunshine storms day or night or even raining
But these days simply common sense almost a fantasy Its bown away with the winds of decency long ago Its almost impossible for me to use any form of decrum On endless who of these things will never know