This is the story of a girl who Picked apart her small-town childhood Surrounded by mountains and solitude To settle in a summer-city on a lake To make her family happy
She doesn't feel at home in her own house She feels like some semi-permanent fixture In a half-way home Belonging to someone else But that's not the issue
She doesn't feel at all present in her body She feels transient and temporary In a liminal form Destined to be dust But that isn't the real problem
She questions her ability to form attachments She wonders if she's healthy to be around In her unmasked form Emotionally naked and vulnerable But that isn't the worst thought
She gets caught up in her own head She gets lost in her own worlds In elaborate fantasies Far preferable to reality But that isn't the biggest concern
She does not want to exist She does not want to die, but cease being In this tumultuous plain Of painful existence But she does not know how that can be