I was smiling on the outside, but it was all a façade. Because my eyes were too nearsighted to see the face of God. Someone passed me His contact, and I feared they would hurt my view. But when I put Him in, I saw the full wonder of Jesus in you. The way you served God was amazing, it was your haven. I was inspired to do work for God with you, so you would not be heavy-laden. You challenged me to be a better man of God, until there was more God than man in me. I saw that we could create wonders together and I saw you as family. You said that I had an anointing, I thought it was just a mere gift. Now I could view the face of God in all his features, you were my chair lift. We have a stronger relationship with the Lord above, to serve him in love. It was like the time Christ came out of that water and the Holy Spirit came as a dove. I am now smiling on the inside, because the Holy Spirit is my grin. And now I feel the way Christ does when he gets ready for his Bride, because of my wedding.