Glittering like diamonds
teasing heart, capturing
soul, loves emotion
should never rule the mind
of sanity.
Heart rules love, mind
rules logic, which way
is the best way to go
do you think?
With the heart, or with
the mind, does life
rule, if one does not
walk with two feet
on the ground!!
If a dreamer goes through
life dreaming, does he
know his own mind, or
does he continue to roam
hopelessly on uncertain
Walking in a love sick
trance gets you no
where, it makes a fool
out of what was once
a stable individual.
When the thrill leaves,
where are your feet now
my friend? I would believe
there back on the ground
where they have always
So if you fall in love or
think you are, be sure
you know it is love, not
need, or you will be only
defeating yourself
with loves illusions.
Head should always
control heart I believe
so when your diamonds
shatters in a million pieces,
you won't have to have
another broken heart
cause you let your
heart rule.
Logic may be boring,
only it reaps many rewards
without notice, it saves
a hurting soul..
Keeping two feet down
where they belong, saves
many hurting hearts that
should of never came about
in the name of a so called
love, that was really only
need taking loves place.
Love the one your with,
if it is purest of love, cherish
it, if not walk away, it is
the best way to stop a
needless hurt..
Common sense may
prove stronger in the end,
it may be a life saver
you do not ****, just
one that may save a
heart from breaking...
To many hurts will not make
a man wiser, just a broken
((Love is the strongest
of emotions guide it
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)