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May 2018
Lets take a trip to the past,
At a point in our lives where we were cast upon,
An enchanting and mesmerising spell,
By now,i am sure you can tell

A dimension in our time in this universe,
In which we could be free, no responsibilities,
An absence of the curse of maturity
That we have all been afflicted by,
But perhaps, we should try
To be more enthusiastic, a bit more jovial,
As we bid our childhood goodbye and put on a mask of righteousness, oh how we fell

Do what is necessary, do what is possible,
They say that is the defination of impossible,
But the child inside only has but one request,
To embrace enjoying life, cessating seriousness,
To not be a workaholic, or an alcoholic under stress,
But to see all with the eyes of an adolescent, perharps that is truly is for the best,
I guess the impossible lies in never saying goodbye to your inner child.
Aayush Vasudeva
Written by
Aayush Vasudeva  23/M/Dublin
     Lori Jones McCaffery, AW Gray and JL Smith
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