The clouds I aspire to walk on dissipate with my aspirations of love fear is temporary pain insignificant the free fall astoundingly liberating I fall cloud after cloud slipped through a rainbow and landed ******* the thump of reality and while I was there the sky had fallen with me and in the darkness a beacon of light pointed to hope and I sat there watching the light waver and come closer I saw a million starS clustered together picking up the shattered specks of light torn down from the hosts of halos and as I did nothing mesmerized the wave of lights in the beam washed itself over me and instantly I was caught up in a new day it had occurred to me that I had become the sun the light of day opened up and cast out broken dreams and deception and I saw the relief of freedom wash over the whole and songs of joy played in my mind and I knew in that instant I was love but there were no words that could prove meaning it was something one knows deep within that forces with many aeons practice in dampening with the revolution of false truths but the wordss won’t wont suffice the light speaks my every conceived an inconceivable thought without a word.