She asks how i do it. How i love you with such a fierosity but also such an 'i dont care' tainted calm
I tell her its nothing nothing of experience and nothing of being 'prepared' not something you learn from a book but something you learn from love.
i love him with such a fire in my heart that sometimes i choke in the smoke and it leaves me breathless
when he runs his fingers up my thigh and kisses me slowly teasing me, tainting my lips with the fresh taste of strawberries and mint.
a fire brews in my belly and as my eyes roll to the back of my brain lulled in ecstacy and desire and never quite being able to pull him close enough to be satisfied
when i look in his eyes and see passion raw ******* passion as we make eachother lose ourselves between the bedsheets we play between
when he texts me how much he needs me my lips my hips between his arms in a dim winter morning my heart skips a beat and the thought of him plagues my mind all ******* day.
i love him like a fire that is not phased by rain or tears in fact we love stronger through it all. for if i am gasoline he is the spark that ignites us and leaves us burning through the night.
but i love him calm too calm like safety a boat softly rocking on the horizon under a starry night where the moon shines for you for me for an us we indulge ourselves in
what we cant seem to accept is the sheer fact of we deserve this. we are deserving of this love
and what matters not is how or where but ask away my love because i love feeling like you cant believe how ******* ******* lucky we are to have found a home in such a broken place
i love him calm because he fills the spaces of me i believed would stay empty but **** it feels good to feel closer to whole
i love him calm because i know i dont overwhelm him as much as i overwhelm myself
i love him calm because he is human and deserving of everything happy and free and maybe maybe i can be that
loving him calm isnt about not caring its not about the 'he can wait for now, im with you' as its not out of care its out of a pact to stay more in the moment and i know he understands
he brings a calm to my chaos
he hasnt seen the best of me but i love him calm because he holds me close when i need him and when i dont and when i call him falling apart he answers tells me to stop apologising reaches through the line to dry the tears cascading down my freckled cheek.
i love him calm because i dont need to fight for his affection or love or attention i love him calm because when i need a break from those things he does his bestΒ Β
we're a fire and an ocean we are the sum of the sun and sky and we are both the thunder that rocks the earth and the lightning that burns the sky bright