I am NOT a size ZERO My skin is spotted like a dalmatian angel kisses and acne My teeth are not pearl white Chubby feet and lots to love legs. Muscle is not defined unmatched clothes cover my body just a hint of mascara is found on my face. rarely My hair is not long and beautiful. Choppy & Short fingernails have chipped polish
I am the go to girl. Not the: go to because she is so drop dead gorgeous girl
But the go to girl "because she knows everyone"
"She can hook me up with him/her" girl.
I will never be a size zero. My hair may not cover my back and sway while I walk My teeth are that awkward shade of in between almost looking perfectly white I don't wear expensive clothes. Let alone match what I do wear. My skin is far from being as smooth as a "babies ***" My eyes have wrinkles around them already. SO...
That does not mean in any way, shape, or form that I do not have a soul.
I have feelings.
My heart can only handle so much.
To the boy who laughed at me in the gym:
I am sorry that I do not have a perfect body that is "eye candy"
To the boy{s} who stole my heart, and then hit on my great friend:
I'm sorry I don't use large words and have an opinion on everything. I'm sorry I am not a poetry goddess or have the ability to pull off wearing red lipstick and scarves.
To the boy I hardly know in church:
I will NOT give you my roommates number after you flirt with me to get it.
To all of the boys who look past me while I am walking next to ANY girl:
I'm sorry, I guess I really am not worth "your time"
To the boy, who will hold my hand and heart for the rest of, well {forever}:
Can you hurry up? I am ready for someone to like that I don't plaster myself in powder and stiffen my hair with hairspray everyday. I am ready for you to love me for my thousands of small freckles covering my body. I hope you can love me, unconditionally... even though I am curvy. I know you are out there somewhere. And if I knew you now I would send you to beat up all of those boys hurting my feelings. Or just hearing how much you care for me, that would help too.