Your life is upside down When you are the peaceful satin You stay at home and lock your door But in the end you are mistaken ? It becomes part of your life routine To be outcasted , despited and disgusted You don’t know what u did And they can’t tell you because non deeds can’t be busted When u meet new people they take aside And when u meet your people they kick you outside When you are the peaceful satin You do the goods You care, love and give But your intentions are misunderstood? When you want to fit in you are neglected And when you want to fall in love you are rejected Asif god has cursed you with the non-appealing syndrome. When you are the peaceful satin You are witnessed as the heir of the devil on earth As a plague that is going to burst As a friend that becomes your worst….. enemy When you are the peaceful satin Are you really a satin? Or do they want to u to feel like one? So sticks and stones can finally break you I am not saying I am saint, or pure as an angel I make mistakes and I make sins that only god can forgive But what I am sure of , that I never meant to hurt a soul But many souls have meant to hurt my pride, dignity and more .