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Oct 2012
The affair was inevitable
A treacherous triangle
The Daisy, the Sun, and the Moon
appearing as distinct doom

From the Sun, the Daisy bloomed
Though at dusk the Daisy felt gloom
Finding the Moon at its darkest hour,
beloved feelings grew within this flower.

To the Sun, the Daisy was committed,
But to the Moon the Daisy submitted.
The Moon brought light to the dark
Owing an absent Sun, became the new spark.

Fearing the furious flames of the Sun
The Daisy wouldn't shed light
upon the affair
frightful of the brightest one

Now, the Sun and Moon caught intertwined
within the same vine, and in due time
the Daisy's guilt was uprising
It was to choose but both were enticing

The provider vs. the temptation
The brightest star vs. The subtle sight
Fierce force of energy vs. Cool, calm and collect
First love versus A new feel
Written by
Dane Elijah Dillard
   Danielle Rose
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