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Apr 2018
One day we'd be sitting in a cafe,
And it'd after many months
Of silence between us.
We'd make each other feel
Our hearts were hungry for love.
You'd take out your lie
Wrapped in wonder for me,
And I'd tear it away
To see the wonderful dial
bought for my birthday last Saturday.
I'd show you my lie
That's booked for Sydney
For the holidays in March.
Tumblers in hands,
Eyes would express
A deep longing to live together.
With some moments of uncertainty,
We'd stand up quickly,
Saying let's go now,
And there'd be no handshaking,
No hug, no smile and no sadness,
As our love was empty,
And silence would follow us.
Mohd Arshad
Written by
Mohd Arshad
       ---, --- and Mohd Arshad
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