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Oct 2012
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put our love back together again
You've broken the trust that acts as the glue
There's nothing to fix between me and you

The words that we used are now said in vain
The memories we grew are reminders of pain
The smiles that we shared are lost to the past
The promises we made, destined not to last

Our love has been banished because of your lies
Your repeated transgressions have broken all ties
"I'm sorry" to me is but a very old song
That tells of the things that always went wrong

A knight I was not, I made no such claim
I promised no fortune, I promised no fame
I promised no castle that stood on a hill
But yet you promised your love to me still

'Twas a dragon called lust that tore us apart
His flame of desire has captured your heart
And all the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put our love back together again
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