We all know him, that bloke down the pub done everything before you but always wants a sub thinks he knows his football as was at the final back in 81 Ricky Villa scored that goal, 3 touches on the spin, just for a bit of fun
He’s been to every destination that you can only dream survived gunshot wounds, not a bother, he even ruptured his spleen pulled a couple of Page 3 girls at the back of Stringfellows club before it was a crime in the daily rag for these models to pose in the nud
He’s worked all the jobs that you could list on one arm been married, twice divorced, it’s hard to live life with these bragging charms Tattoos of past grievances, some he would rather forget ex-wife’s down to girlfriends, all for a stupid bet
Now the end of the bar is a space well occupied by him dole money and on the ponse, breaking all of Gods deadly sins avoid at your peril these creatures of sponge and leech just wanting a life of ease and comfort, for some, humanity we cannot teach
Lend them nothing and discredit their tales from a life now well past all lies of inscrutability, from a net well and truly cast for this is a story told from a man whose race has already been run as he is that man we all need to avoid for he is blagger number one