We were meant to be shooting stars Hurtling through space We were created for big things, For grand purposes, And to share love
But age has a way Of turning our hopeful hearts Into cold and calculating cynics With so many walls up, We make it so hard for people to love us
We protect our hearts With a maze of thorny vines And then we cry Wondering why Nobody truly loves the soft and delicate infant Hiding behind our eyes
You've got to go out on a limb, Find the last bits of courage in your soul And with that courage You need to be fiercely authentic On purpose Within every moment
You must love so much That you become love Love yourself, Love others, And love God Trade in your walls for boundaries Don't allow people Who don't know how to love Hurt you
This process will take more time than you Understand now But just think of it like this: You can't rush a pregnancy, You can't rush a caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly, You can't rush an acorn to grow into an oak tree You have to wait For your soul to grow Give it what it most needs through This period of gestation, The nutrients of the Soul: Love, Understanding, Hope, Joy, Peace, And whatever else Your Soul calls for
Then one day, You'll be walking down a busy sidewalk And you'll catch a glimpse of yourself In a storefront window You'll do a double take And notice that you couldn't recognize yourself Initially because Your face is softer now, Kinder, Happy
This journey Of becoming Who you were meant to be Will continue on For your entire lifetime It's really more like You are re-becoming The person you were born into this world as: Innocent, pure, and loving
God has a blueprint for each of our lives But what happens to most of us Is that this world Causes us to become disconnected To ourselves And we lose ourselves In trivial pursuits and ego desires But you can find your way back home To your heart And rediscover Who you were truly meant to be.