Seeking safety while others are sleeping,the rest in a dispute with a familiar game of whether the mind or body will win
When losing traction will another soul comprehend even a fraction ,meaningless to many but a few keep hope in scope
Planning and practicality save souls in print but real people have understanding and offer their own spin
Wondering from the middle travels outward, east or west north to south even an Aussie or from across the pond can give hope
Giving is receiving simple samples offer light, taken in can block blight,going out producing an unknown grin
Faceless names a soul behind each keystroke, varying opinions offer a new vote
Hidden bond often easy to find ,meshed together once lonely issues have now found a twin
Conversing in space some silent while other seems lost in a race,never really knowing when they will find that meaningful antidote
Suddenly interaction can become a tempting attraction ,exposing hidden emotions a new devotion,silent song into a joyous hymn
Far apart minds now riding a mutual rift, easier to make light if others have the same plight
Randomness can rule when minds are often short, Once a great thought soon will abort hopefully not lost forever if we tug to ******* that string
Absent minds left meandering once locked down now offering possibilities ,growing with knowledge now developing with each insight. R.C.
Thoughts brought together from finding people with similar but unique problems,then finding it is not always a problem but a solution when many minds come together.we truly learn from each other even if both parties have what one were debilitating things ,somehow walk away feeling better without ever actually shaking hands:) I thanks you for reading. I appreciate your thoughts. Rick