Young reader’s lit is a lucrative gig; Feeds slop to learner like waste to a pig. We love to get them reading. Ah . . . but what? Such open-minded offal as would shut The hallowed sluice of Wisdom in a blink. Grand waste of authorship, paper and ink Noble trees pulped, and presses run—for this? Distasteful tales and messages that miss By so far they ought never have been told Let alone color-printed, bound and sold. Grotesqueries and morbid cultural rot Raw ugliness (intentional or not) Drips forth from this modern infantile lit For any reasonable end unfit. Behold P.C. fluffery, ethnic vibes (Half of it scribed by lost Israelite tribes) Global fables for our brave new deviants Multi Kulti nonsense; non-experience: Mafupe’s New Ungwa, Tano Means Five Sho-Sho Goes the Wira-Wira. Such jive . . . My, such juvenile literary news Serving to propagate progressive views: Tia Fulana the Red Agitator Grand Dad’s a Genderqueer Instigator . . . Frida: Surrealist Queen of Misfit Art Smelly Joe’s Super-Duper Stinky **** Pages that dribble like a sneeze-filled rag Well-pitched witchery, spelled out by some hag: Diego the Dinosaur Reads Karl Marx Trani the Modern Mixed-up Kitten Barks Volume on volume of frivolous trash All New York Times-reviewed (for kiddie cash): Zombies Want Candy, Jimmy Has Three Moms Snot-fest For Sassy Sue (Special Ed Bombs). Manga mediocrity, attention-span killers: Useless mind-wasting library-fillers. Humpy and Fluffy Hunt for Chocolate Eggs Barrels of froth (more like the tepid dregs ?) Squirrel’s Fall Harvest Festival Goes Nuts (Death by a thousand cutesy bookish cuts): Useless reams of mindless marketed waste With effete tribute paid to vilest taste A globalist ghetto hype-o-rama Party that starts and ends with Obama; Covers flush with myriad fake awards Encouraging our failing culture towards The darkened depths. And who should bear the blame? Publishers who mutually stroke for fame! Such propaganda aimed at your child After being mocked, ought to be reviled. To hail such shameful writing as diverse Actually serves to achieve the reverse; Revisionists (more like demons than elves) Have loaded your local library shelves. The smoldering wick of so-called children’s lit, Foolish lamp of decadent light, unfit To illuminate or to froth about Thus wavers, flickers faintly, and goes out.
Nationalism will soon be the new normal . . . so drink more soy milk.