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Apr 2018
I wolf, maiden in the day light, wolf
at night, where I wonder with a wolf pack
hungry for food, the shattered truth of my
life is a threat to my human friends, never
been so happy since I become a she wolf.

I feel the freshness upon my soul, I'm
renewed each time I transform, a feeling
of great power and true freedom, no one
shuts me in, I am a she wolf of the wild,
a place I've always wanted to be.

The night I was attacked, it did not
hurt, just a little break in the skin, several
months later, when the moon was full
I had a feeling to go into the timber
lands, seeking something, I did not
know what.

Now I have found the freedom I've
always wanted, freedom of a true
she wolf, I with my pack, I ****
for food, and at dawns early light, I
become a woman graving blood.

It may not sound to happy, to be in
the spot I'm in, it really is, I feel more
than anyone will ever feel, I know
what true freedom feels like when
the moon is full..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea
Written by
Harriet Shea  80/F/Mesa Arizona
(80/F/Mesa Arizona)   
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