Have you heard of them? Or seen one with your own eyes I may have found one During a stroll He was talking to some one over the phone When he caught my eye He stood tall at 5’11 Slim almost lanky Well dressed With shiny clear skin Green eyes, that reminded me of starfruit Blue-ish black eyes Pleasant features He loves to talk Never has an unkind word to say about anyone He does not drink He does not smoke He does not look at other woman He does not curse He does not raise his voice until he is severely provoked He never shouts He is very agreeable at times And then there are night where his stubbornness does not let him sleep He is very organized He is very punctual He cooks like an angel The children always run to him He is not afraid to lend a hand Does not say no to house work He is friendly so everyone in the neighbourhood love him He is quiet but never moody He is thoughtful but needs a lesson or two in romance He is obedient but needs help with passion He is practical but unable to be optimistic He respects all the elder Calls his mother daily Loves his grandma Has sense of humour but it comes at the worst moments
The world agrees that he a good man One-of-a-kind Mom says he is perfect Dad is beaming with pride But my heart It feels nothing