And now that I have stooped so low,
Every second, every minute seems like a blow,
I can cry, I can shout, I can lament for long….
But would it really help to keep me strong?
And now when I can’t....afford to think,
Can’t bring myself to move or blink,
I sit for long, ******* in the air,
Hoping to come out of this despair,
I can cry out loud, I can swear at walls…
But would it really help to answer blank calls?
And now when I am left with nothing to be proud,
I choose to walk, away from the crowd,
Hoping to find some bliss being recluse..
Some pride, some mirth that wouldn’t refuse,
I can weep in silence, shedding all the tears…
But would it really make my grief disappear?
And now when I am left with silence unbound,
In my heart, in my mind, in everything around,
I find a voice inside my head,
A friend that had been long gone dead,
I talk, I speak, I cry, I laugh,
I find myself being me at last.
And now that I am still lying so low,
I accept the fact, life can be so,
If I cry, if I shout, if I lament for long,
I know it would not undo the wrong,
I will stand, I will fight, I will walk for miles,
Because that is what , I can do, with some laughter and smiles.