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Apr 2018
Oh what yonder lies only treachery and deceit!

But if not for our Moms?
What would we be without this wonderful guardian?

That just through her melodious voice puts our hearts at peace.

There be wolves out there of human kind, the worst of all yet!
For teeth far from sharp!
It be their tongues and sinister ways!
Far more razor like I’d say!
She’d put herself in harm’s way!
A selfless soul so pure!

A mom for sure!

She shows her back to the wild and scornful beings!
And shelters all harm from her child !
A Hero no less
More than just a mother i’d say!
Yes she’d be a Mom!
Oh yes!

Oh thank you Mom !

A hero oh yes!

I know mine is!
Written by
Warren-Johnson  49/M/Johannesburg
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