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Apr 2018
My father never laid his hand on me....
Not with a slap on the face, and not with a pat on the back.

My father doesn’t yell at me. In fact, the only time in which I get to hear his voice is when we have small talk every couple of days.

My father never broke my heart. I do not think he is aware that we are anatomally wired to have hearts. Perhaps, his liver pumps his blood and perhaps, he thinks my kindney pumps my blood.

I saw my father’s blood on the bathroom tile after him coughing in there for two hours straight. I pretended I saw nothing. I wonder if he too pretends he doesn’t see me bleeding myself to sleep every night.
Written by
Nesma  28/F/Egypt
       JOY, arizona, Minnie, Ruth, croob and 5 others
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