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Mar 2018

Silence seems  the perfect way to simply say goodbye, when now I feel that maybe we shouldn't have said hello

Finding newly sown feelings did not appear far fetched,but maybe never noticed early distortions

Life is easier when played in doubles decreasing troubles,sound is usually better in stereo

Many thoughts brought into a single profile  often lead to easier conclusions

Previous problems once a constant burden weigh less while carried on several shoulders

Sincerity becomes closer to reality,  new limits for once unknown solutions

Not forced or prodded falling was easy felt more than seen,helplessly showing more internal exposures

Blissful but simultaneously blind what was missed behind a kiss,stalled at a standstill while everything else makes revolutions

Suddenly seeing a shadow instead of a human being ,slowly uncovering multiple imposters

Deescalating gradually  rather than hate seems to be my fate, bonding wasn't as binding if half of a whole is dealing with delusions

Love of life is a greater goal following lasting serenity in our own soul ,satisfaction can be found without living life as loners R.C.
Tend to not write on the lovey side but sometimes certain things bring a flashback of true love and in this case how it can also go away. I appreciate you reading and your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Written by
wichitarick  wichita Kansas
(wichita Kansas)   
   Keith Wilson and Apostrophe's
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