Panic Button
This world we live in is very very strange,
some things can be purchased for just pocket change,
others, not so easy, no matter how rich you are,
I'm not talking about a house, boat or a car
Seems some days, the woodwork is just full of friends,
the messages, the chats, almost no end,
and then all of sudden, no one is there,
it's like for some reason, there is no one to care
Did I do something wrong, was it something I said,
all of these questions, now filling my head,
am I too needy, do I lack inner strength,
is my nose too big, my hair the wrong length
Why should it matter, what's the big deal,
does anyone really, give a crap how I feel,
I'm just a pebble, in the sea of mankind,
plenty more like me, we're easy to find
Now my day will be lonely, just like my night,
out of mind from them all, cause I'm so out of sight,
fear fills my mind, I'm an attention glutton,
that's why I now, push this Panic Button
Gomer LePoet