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Mar 2018
Iā€™m not too sure how I really got here?
I just know my feet really hurt!

Like a thousand knifes all over my body, the cold cuts through me and my shirt.

I understand the disdain of Homelessness, trust me Brother, I do.
But my feet still hurt me my Sister, If only you could walk a day in my shoes.

But you cannot, because I have none, not a lace to my name.
The days are long, but the nights are longer still,
Though the cold is all the same.

My hands reach out in defiance, reliance in silence they cry!
Please Help Me! Please Help Me! my Father,
Please Help Me! Passerby.
JD Leishman
Written by
JD Leishman  28/M/Melbourne, Australia
(28/M/Melbourne, Australia)   
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