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Oct 2012
I'm from one of the wealthy families.
I could careless about the poor.
I have to pass along my wealth.
For my children to carry my name on.

Altho' the poor shall inherit the earth.
As one of the scripture surely states.
I guess this what truly hurts?

That those with great wealth seems obilvion to the hurt.
They think a small donation has it worth.
And I guess in a way it does.
Until you see things they spend their money upon.

A mansion with mutiple rooms and bath.
Are they setting it aside for the homeless?
Who are part of the poorest of us?
But shows more love.
Then the rich surrounding us.

Oh, they have their foundations and family's trust.
And goes to bat over dividing their wealth.
While the poor folks seems to bond around one another.
And this is the group that God has stated with inherit his world..

Isn't it time.
We come together in love.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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