Once, I was excluded from love, in bitterness I cursed all that I saw, not knowing that this bitterness made me anathema to the very sensations I pursued. I spread hateful ideology, made every effort to share my misery, shouted condemnation at every pair of clasped hands, every kiss I saw made me retch.
The bitterness welled up and poured forth from me, reppelling loves valiant attempts at liberating me from my tower cell. From my relatively pleasant existance I fashioned my own tailor fitted hell, which I wore everyday, steadily collecting filth, so soiled I had become.
As I lifted the last shovelful from my early grave, and prepared to climb down within with my list of grievances against God stapled to my shirt, so I might never forget, my foot stepped out into the pit but a gentle hand clenched my shoulder and pulled me back from the hole, and I turned and discovered love...
It does exist, none need be excluded, if the feeling exists for some all can be included. Love not for the pleasure of it, but for the pain, and strain, so that we may constantly measure it against the ache of loneliness and remind ourselves, that while love may be a neverending battle, surrender to hate brings nothing but ruin.