March in the streets But I urge you beware They’ll still butcher the sheep With the arms that they bear Private properteers part with No slave cropper’s share So this Northern aggression's Like Freeman’s red scare All the colors of wind Through the head-shavers’ hair The Guevara adventures These pigs wouldn’t D.A.R.E. The Arabian knights In the grand wizard’s lair The denaturalized dreamer’s Recurring nightmare Of the Stalingrad ghost Still witch-hunting like Blair The projects to the precincts’ New modern welfare The post-trauma disorderly’s Empty screen stare The savages they thought Were waaaaayyyy over there The debt clock ticky tock In the heart of Times Square The 1st world problem-children Who commonwealth care Because some barely EAT And we’ve so much to spare But these cowherds still like their calves Medium rare And the bulls try to sell you Their laissez-faire snare Till your trapped in a minimum cage’s Last prayer And the only escape Is upgraded software Like automaton autobahn’s In disrepair In this fascist facade’s Fragrant breath of fresh air Just as toxic as stocks Of the mock billionaire So I shock ‘em like Tesla’s Bolt-action Voltaire And I leave it to you To go **** it out there