I try to believe in goodness The goodness of people The whole wheel of Time That produces good fortune But the more I see of it The more I see of the darness And it envelopes me like a veil Holding tightly on and won't let go How do I get it to release me Too many people kick me while I'm down An ex who has it out for me. I don't Blame her for what I put her through But we have a daughter together and I Can't even talk to her or see her. Other people who I don't even know wants to make my life miserable. They See me as a ******* and I should Be wiped off the face of the planet. That's what it seems. They follow me Around like a puppy dog, wanting me To ***** up or something. Maybe they Think I'm a drug dealer. Lol. That's Funny. They're wasting their time there. Or maybe they want to see me fall off The wagon and if that's the case they're Pretty sick sons of *******. So who knows What's in the minds of others and for That matter the mind of me.