I could grip the paper Nudge it with my fist Why could I not just think And the words form on the page But they gave me a pen from on high And pointed to that paper They urged me to write, write This is how you write This is how good children write I want to be good But I just could not write My marks were on all sides of the paper But they could not form a word I could not spell my name on the page I could say it out loud Or rather shyly Out of the corner of my mouth But I could not write my name On the corner of the page
I held onto the pen with all my fingers First with one hand, then with both fists I put holes inside that paper What have I done? Because I figured I had nothing left I was all emptied out I just wanted to give up It was only fair to take my anger out on this paper Because even though I wanted to respond The paper was silent The paper refused to reply And in its silence it said everything My hand hurt My fists refused to close Tears were on my face On the paper Tears of rage Tears that came from a deep place My teachers sighed It was a sigh I heard for some time My day began with a sigh And a pen I could not hold I noticed teacher writing in a book How come she can hold the pen and I cannot?
Then one day as I was eating lunch Someone led me upstairs to a class I was confused But relieved to leave the pen But wait This was the class I was in last year I just hope I can play with toys again But now there were new toys Based on the childrenβs programs I now watched That could not be afforded. I was bigger than the other kids When teacher asked how old are you. Everyone said 4 and 5 while I said 6. I miss my old friends Just as I thought I escaped the pen Teacher tells me to grip this new pen I just want to play with the new toys Leave me alone.
Eventually I held the pen First with four fingers Then a trilogy of hand digits I stopped holding it in anger And started holding it for a purpose The first name I said was mama But the first word I wrote was Michael Because this page is now mine A lot of paper would now belong to me Because once I started writing I never stopped. I have never, ever laid down my pen,. Because I learned I cannot just want to be good. I must be great with the pen