Land your ship, don't let it sink it's part of you, each time you go deeper, the water gets colder, so dark green, no mark did you leave behind each wave.
Sad is the heart of fear, it becomes part of you, cold green water, watching, shadows slowly disappearing, ocean silently sings her happy tune, knowing calmness would once again appear.
So you say, it was a trip you'll never forget, it took so long to go against the mighty storm you kept on going, almost giving up, you didn't, and now the waters are still with wonder.
Your journey is over, your heart sings with joy, you found out through your weakest moments you almost sank your ship of hope your biggest fear, was your own self worth, mixed with power and pure adultery confusion.
Now you found yourself the truth you can do anything you put your mind to do, without a single doubt entering your mind.