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Oct 2012
Spread around.
Like a germ that's going around.
Many know of you.
And your reputation around town.
Oh, those just righteous get in on the comments.
Until it comes back at them.
Then they simmer down.

Why are you judge more then him?
The guys with the mutiple kids.
Why do the just righteous men?
Wants you to creep around with them.

Then look like a fool.
When they get expose by the news.
But, it always seems to be blame upon you.

Cause to them.
You're the spread around.
Getting the attention of the men in town.
Those, who truly wants to put their own lady down.

If, you wrote a book of your past.
Many lovers, would request you edited them out.
It's the goody good souls.
That has more to hide.
Because the bad of the bad doesn't pretend to be.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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