I want the stars the moon and the sun I want it all but I’m not the one who deserves it Who deserves it but the small ones? I want to capture the one who’s heart captured mine Who am I? I do not know how to hold still and back So I keep it unfiltered I want the wandering path of the traveler I so long for this unlived life I was dreaming of you until you wept and I stayed backwards Who is this I became to even blame you? For the wisdom I partake in is everything of insecurity rather than insight When you lose your sleep I lose my sights too I figure out the shape of you Then definitions can be defined Always I find that when you steam my clothes You steam every wrinkle away Until nothing is left But this poetic mess that seems to go into the woods of overthinking Lost in the emotion of time If time were to be heartbroken we would be stuck in this moment So let’s hack time And find her lover, death Separate them forever and see nothingness Until the end of this affair of souls selling each other everything they want for one another I want time So give me what time wants from me To shun death and let death stay in the heart of time Forbidden lovers for eternity My arranged marriage with time Bargained for with this borrowed life of viciousness Wooed by a gold digging entity i'm posing as an old rich woman Indulgent and defiled Time is fooled by my masquerade I will not die and time is mine on paper