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Mar 2018
Only when I’ve become destitute by my journey’s end
Desert upon my bare feet
Skin cracking
Ran out of water
Begun to drink the blood

Only when treacherous rainstorms
Have pelted my crawl through the
Leaving my feathers soaked

Only when the wilderness has
Sunk it’s maze onto my soul
No way out but in madness
Dirt under my nails
Moss across my body

Only when I’ve knelt upon
Mother Earth
In spiteful prayer
Pitiful to the last

And you are no longer a dream
But reality
But am tired from the ages
Will I ever demand
Your wind
Your touch
Your fluorescent

That you can now whisper
To me
As you lie next to
I demand it
Eric the Red
Written by
Eric the Red  40/M/Southwest
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