As a slick fairy accuses, wig-hairy Jewess pig Jerry Lewis got Peter Lawford slapped about 'tween fartin' with crapped-out Dean Martin
The preventative, treatment & cure for insomnia and mental illnesses (including the diseases: anorexia & pellagra)ο»Ώ is niacin (vit. B3). Research Dr. Abram Hoffer. Anorexia is a vitamin-deficiency disease. Psychological counseling is as effective w/anorexia as it is w/scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) or cancer/sickle-cell anemia/hypertension (vit. B17 deficiency). You can't talk, or reason, someone out of a chronic metabolic ailmentο»Ώ anymore than you can slake a person's thirst by ruminating over their traumatic childhood. Anorexia is a sub-clinical symptom of the vitamin-deficiency disease pellagra. The preventative, treatment & cure is vitamin B3, also known as niacin. Niacin causes a false histamine reaction (prickly, red skin) that's harmless. You can build up a tolerance to niacin or take flush-free niacin. ALL who suffer from anorexia nervosa are deficient in the water-soluble vitamin B3. There is no known toxicity for B3. You won't O.D. on it. Excessive B3 ends up in the *****. Cancer is a disease of deficiency as is thirst & starvation. W/o water we die, no amt. of praying can change that fact of course as the Lord provides, thru His bounty, those things we need to survive. Indeed, Scripture stresses the importance of consuming seeds: "Give us this day our daily bread," was written at a timeο»Ώ when bread contained whole, raw seeds--seeds abounding in cancer-killing Amygdalin.