i'd like to say that i've always been into clean living but there's nothing really clean about *** on your brother's living room floor or making you ache in movie theaters with just a glance or handjobs and ruining your pants i somehow have this strange power over men wanna look into my eyes when i **** them like i was prepackaged batteries included a little machine with thick thighs and big lips and the prettiest eyes you've ever seen below your belt you hang on my words like they're something you've never felt i
have a pretty smile taste like something you've wanted but never had with crinkles in my cheeks and the dimples on my back i could make a grown man crack and i do - the middle aged men at my job love me wait outside after closing tryna touch me and i get scared walking home fingers shake in the cold one mile till i can let go of the breath that i hold and i
try my hand at clean living. eat salads, stay home on the weekends cut off boys that make me feel anything joe at work tells me to wear less makeup maybe then men won't follow me home maybe then mike will leave me alone stop calling the store phone looking for the prettiest smile he says he's ever seen i stand behind the counter ready to dial 911 on my screen
clean living doesn't feel very clean when everyone you touch has dirt on them i mean i don't want to make a scene at work i just want to make money go home not get hurt keep my head down but red is too easy to spot much easier than i thought