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Mar 2018
Desert. Pile. Fire.You.Walk. Slowly.
Behind. Me.
‘What’re you doing?’
‘Burning what?’
‘My Words’
You try to stop the flames
It’s all too much
The orange & red mix with the night sky

‘WHY?! WHY?! Would you do such a thing?!’

You’re screaming, crying.

‘All your beautiful words...’

‘Its the pact I made with the gods...
‘Deliver me this pain...
‘This anguish away from you...
‘And you can have my words...
‘And here you are in front of me...

The fire is’s’s out of control and long into the night

My Words...
Burn apart...musings...turning into ash...
Fireworks of poems
Now into the ether
Making their way into the heavens
Parts of nebulas
Black holes
Interstellar space

I’d give it all up
All of it...
For you...
Eric the Red
Written by
Eric the Red  40/M/Southwest
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