I was told this story relating to enemies The title caught my attention I felt I had to mention A man being 98 Years Old The age alone was a behold But it doesn’t surround the story told Now follow me as you catch your breath Take in my words for all that it is worth A Minister preached his sermon about forgiveness There was one being a true witness After the Minister preached, he asked the congregation if they had any enemies No one really answered but one Yes you probably guessed it, the old man It was the 98 Year Old Man being among The Old Man stated he had no enemies The Minister and the congregation were in a daze The answer from the Old Man had the congregation in a automatic amaze However, that wasn’t the end to all that What you are about to witness became a known fact The Old Man then repeated, “He had no enemies” So the Minister asked the question directly to the Old Man Why do you say you have no enemies? Everyone has at least one or two or perhaps more The Old man responded, “They died and I out lived them all” After that, the Minister and the entire congregation gave the Old Man a standing ovation.