Busy, busy, busy Chatter, chatter, chatter People catching up to date They were out at the weekend on a date It was so much fun, everyone rushing to relate
Busy, busy, busy Chatter, chatter, chatter It's NobodysΒ Β favourite day Is it because it's the furthest from the weekend Or because it's the nearest to the weekend
Busy, busy, busy Chatter, chatter, chatter Work to live, Live to work I know which I prefer I'd prefer if Mondays were replaced with another day That way I could stay home and play
Busy, busy, busy Chatter, chatter, chatter Now I work a Tuesday and it just isn't the same I miss the Monday morning chatter by the kettle Catching up after the game
You can't win, I found this little ditty on a pad in work, I hadn't written it up though. I often write in work when I need a distraction from spreadsheets