If you could be with someone who actually loves you leave me right now.
I am not an anchor tied to your ankle dragging you down, drawing you into a sea of regrets like overboard rice taking on too much water and becoming mushed mash, so even when you try to save them by throwing a line, or holding out a stick, they’re too far gone for you to get a grip.
You’ll go unfed and your soul will starve when old age reveals it’s long awaited scars.
Same goes for me.
I’d leave in a heartbeat that beats twice in two.
It has nothing to do with me and you.
But in my mind she still flattens the rice out, even and nice…
Not undercooked and still on board waiting to be rolled cut and served.
To me maybe...
I do not know.
So I wait patiently with the others in line, while our opposites wave on bye, waiting for two peaks to meet and two valleys to depart.