Roses are red, violets are blue, but according to what I learned in science about how light works... That's not really true... You see, when light hits something, say a leaf, it looks green. But in reality it's every colour but the one you see.
Roses are green Violets are green The amount of vivid colours in this garden made me throw up.
Roses are red, violets are red, I lit my garden on fire.
Roses are blue Violets are red What are colours again?
Roses are red, violets are red, someone killed my cat.
Roses are yellow, Violets are purple, I think I might be colourblind.
Roses are grey, Violets are also grey, woof.
Roses are dead. Violets are dead. I'm a horrible gardener...
My name is Dave, Roses are Paul, It hurt my head, when I walked into that wall.
The poet's guide to weirdly dark roses are red poems. All of these are 100% original... except for the last one... one of my friends wrote it.