sent him away it will be easier to **** you this way your mothers thier mothers mother ******* give peanut butte **** your drawn in cheeks these words of fallen slumber recognition of trap me words so delusional was he pools over pools pool that pool pools of blood soaked tears your horror of self recognition there horror every where horror that he could find peace what 42nd k have you gripped oh foolish children with pink on your lips your satisfaction of stroking fingers let me shove this **** down your throat listen to it crow watch the chicken fly from your belly snakes from your bowels intestines full of maggots watch you squirm puke will fill your carpet seams stitched to the stench in between that you nostrils for terminate stretch fixtures who are you attitude sawallowed with fits chasers spin another chamber watch him travel on the floor past his moments of verbal **** who was he might as well attitudes
that your night be as an well that your well drowns your might you will find no might in death swallow words for ones you protect roll up my sleeves that you have face that an following could be escaped by reality reality that your flesh is rotting spit up at the sky open your mouth let the dog lick your scabs find him