Psychiatry sat America on the couch And said Tell me about yourself. America was referred to by the World Caucus Who had to stage an intervention Because they feared for America America was getting out of control. Staying out late at night in other countries. Getting drunk on oil. People warned, All this oil you like will lead to fire And burn your chest. Being told to leave and refusing to do so, Saying This isn’t colonialism. This is nation-building Finally getting kicked out and told never to come back. Throwing Democratic and Republican Parties alike into a mess. The world caucus was worried So they referred them to psychiatry.
America tried to explain itself. Tried to justify Saying, I stand for freedom Psychiatry replied, Maybe it is better to sit down. America continued I said in my birth certificate that all men are created equal. Psychiatry answered Frowning, Yes but not blacks Or women, Or Native Americans Or even white men without land. So that all men, was really all men who fit a certain profile. What men did you actually mean? America stammered. But we changed! Psychiatry scolded You needed to have the most awful fight That nearly destroyed yourself Killed many of your relatives. Before you could see those of a darker skin as equal And even today it is so bad it is called America’s original sin. But that is neither here nor there. Continue.