A passion rare and ever sweet Hurled me on bruised and broken feet To Love's new zenith, by Angels fathomed first Not oceans pure and rare could quench the thirst Regaled by beatitudes as thine Heal divine wounds of spirit's brine Borne aloft burnished by colours of desire Sight of which set my soul on fire To heights of heaven all hearts do aspire Singing mantras to ancient lyre Cross stars we waltz like outlaw cats With wanton wit authority thwart In future years bereft of chains Bereft of sad and melancholy refrains I see them crawl, free, take flight Bask in Love, eternal delight Beat demons crept with stealth at night Upon you with blades, half-hid 'neath devil's sheath With vision suffice to ignite A poet's heart to soar, take flight It was "for Love!" the poet's cried As passion in them flourished wide Rare as care and ever sweet Worlds with love and light replete