They keep telling me I haven't been through anything They keep screaming How nothing bad has happened I've had such an easy life But Listen To My Story Please listen I was never my daddy's girl I still call him by his name It was always me and my mom Though all it feels like now is me I was fat my whole life That never stopped my problem Hell it got me made fun of Put down Mocked and Used I'm an easy target Because since my first love left I couldn't say no Oh how my mind and heart ached to scream I wouldn't move Just lie there and take it Let them leave Just get dressed and go our own ways I'm a cutter Always thinking about something sharp I can't control my ****** thoughts Even though I only want to with those I love It's yet to happen And I'm not so pure I've stolen from my own mother I've been with grown men Not by so much choice But because the pressure I've been thinking about my diagnosis I think I'm Bi polar I think It'd explain My lack of control My depression My thoughts But no one listens They tell me I'm fine But they don't know That I when I'm upset I'm suicidal They don't know How each day I wake up Wishing I didn't have to,ever They don't know me No one does They don't understand They can't.